Andrology (men’s medicine) – special hormone tests – special urological laboratory
Cancer prevention – hormone diagnostics / early detection / tumor follow-up
Laboratory tests (special diagnostics including tumor marker, PSA value, hormone status, urine examination including NMP 2
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (benign prostate enlargement)
Ultrasound (kidneys, urinary bladder, prostate incl. transrectal sonography, testicles)
Urinary incontinence (bladder weakness) – Stone disease
From July 2023
verifyMED, Facharztzentrum im Junghofplaza
1986 – 1992
Studies of human medicine at the University of Belgrade, Serbia
1992 – 1993
Internship doctor, Klinik für Viszeralchirurgie, Dr. Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken (HSK), Wiesbaden
1993 – 1994
Assistant doctor, Klinik für Innere Medizin, HSK, Wiesbaden
1994 – 1995
Resident on call , Klinik für Chirurgie, Kreiskrankenhaus Idstein und Bad Schwalbach
1995 – 2023
Klinik für Urologie und Kinderurologie, HSK, Wiesbaden
Since 2000
Recognition as a specialist in urology
Since 2001
Senior physician Klinik für Urologie und Kinderurologie, HSK, Wiesbaden
– Drug tumor therapy
– Andrology
– X-ray diagnostics urinary tract
– Beratungsstelle Deutsche Kontinenz Gesellschaft
"The best therapy is the one that shows the greatest empathy and compassion for the patient, that makes them feel like there's someone there who understands them, who listens to them, who cares about them, and who accompanies them on their journey."
Carl Rogers
My professional expertise includes the diagnosis and recognition of all specialized diagnoses as well as the indication and therapy initiation for conservative and surgical therapies in the urological field. In addition, there are many years of experience in the indication and therapy initiation of chemotherapy including immunotherapy, therapy formulas, therapy of side effects, concomitant medication and cooperation with accompanying specialties such as psychooncologists and nutritionists.
As an experienced surgical urologist, I have acquired in-depth knowledge and skills in a variety of surgical procedures in the urological field over 27 years. These include operations on the external genitals of boys and men, such as foreskin stenosis, testicular torsion, trauma, both complete and organ-preserving operations for testicular carcinomas, including the implantation of testicular prostheses, as well as surgical therapy for tumors on the penis. In addition, my expertise includes prostate removal for carcinoma via radical prostatectomy as well as endoscopic surgery for benign prostate enlargement; performing bladder cancer surgery, including endoscopic surgery as well as urinary bladder removal with creation of a replacement bladder (ileum neobladder) or artificial outlet (ileum conduit); Performing both organ-preserving and total removal surgery for renal carcinoma; ureteral surgery, including endoscopic or open removal of stones or tumors of the ureter and insertion of ureteral splints or percutaneous nephrostomies; incontinence surgery in women and men, including placement of tapes below the urethra or artificial sphincters.
Operational Expertise:
Removal of the prostate for carcinoma (radical prostatectomy, with/without lymphadenectomy, nerveretentive/non-nerveretentive); endoscopic surgery (transurethral resection) for benign prostate enlargement, open prostate removal for large gland (Freyer adenomectomy).
Urinary bladder cancer surgery: endoscopic (transurethral resection) urinary bladder removal with creation of a replacement bladder (ileum neobladder), artificial outlet (ileum conduit).
Renal carcinoma surgery: organ-preserving/complete removal of the kidney.
Ureteral surgeries: endoscopic/open, for stones, tumors of the ureter, with ureteral replacement (ileum interposition), insertion of ureteral splints, percutaneous nephrostomies.
Testicular surgery: complete removal/organ preservation with histologic frozen section for carcinoma, implantation of testicular prostheses; testicular torsion (twisting), testicular trauma; undescended testis in boys.
Operations on the penis: narrowing of the foreskin, local excision up to amputation in case of carcinoma
Incontinence surgery in women and men: TVT/TOB (ligament below the urethra), artificial sphincter.
This acquired broad spectrum of skills and knowledge in the process of diagnosis, diagnostics and possibilities of various therapy recommendations as well as experience in urological surgery can and should improve your treatment and quality of life.