Specialties & Services / Internal – and general medicine

Internal - and general medicine

Dr. Michael Janis

The focus of our private practice for general internal medicine is YOU personally as a person and patient. We take time for you, give you and your health the necessary care and attention.

Our holistic approach encompasses all areas of internal and general medicine, from prevention to diagnostics and special forms of therapy to acute and infusion therapy.

Health begins with prevention and does not stop with the right diagnosis and therapy. We focus on a detailed medical history during preventive examinations and health check-ups, including state-of-the-art laboratory, ECG and ultrasound examinations.


Focal points of our private internal medicine general practice in Frankfurt

The focus of our internal medicine general practice is naturally broad. It starts with general health issues such as nutritional topics, blood tests, physical fitness, fatigue states, burnout, migraines, and aches and pains in general, and doesn’t stop with specific topics such as wanting children, and hormone treatments.


Special core competencies are thyroid diagnostics, cancer screening, metabolic diagnostics, hormonal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, joint problems / rheumatology and much more. But also in anti-pain, anti-stress, anti-aging, anti-exhaustion, anti-depression, anti-immune and detox therapies, we offer innovative and holistic therapeutic approaches for health, vitality and joie de vivre.


We always support our patients not only therapeutically, but also preventively and in an advisory capacity, taking into account their personal life situation and special physiological needs.

Individual medicine thought differently – our holistic approach.


Our Services